The Symphony No. 94 in G major is the second of the twelve London symphonies written by Joseph Haydn in 1791 in London for a concert series he gave during the first of his visits to England (1791-1792). It is popularly known as the 'Surprise Symphony'.
Haydn's music contains many jokes, and the 'Surprise Symphony' includes probably the most famous of all: a sudden fortissimo chord at the end of the otherwise piano opening theme in the variation-form second movement (Andante). The music then returns to its original quiet dynamic as if nothing has happened, and the ensuing variations do not repeat the joke. In German, the work is referred to as the 'Sinfonie mit dem Paukenschlag', (Symphony with the kettledrum stroke).
Austrian arranger Georg Zwettler transcribed the Andante (second movement) for Symphonic Band, of course with the famous 'surprise' effect.