No other composer of his time stands for the creation of a total work of art like Richard Wagner. Wagner not only composed the music for his operas, but wrote his own librettos, designed and sketched the stage decorations as well as the equipment and clothes of the protagonists themselves. The main features in Wagnerian music are the use of guiding themes. These are often assigned to individual important figures or locations and are a musical theme in Wagner's operas. The opera addresses the conflict between sacred and godless love and redemption through love, a central theme that runs through many of Wagner's late works. At the center of the action is Tannhäuser, a mortal who has found his way to the Venus Hill, the home of the goddess Venus. However, Tannhäuser is getting tired of the pleasure and believes more and more to find his salvation in Maria. When Tannhäuser proclaims the name of Mary, the world of Venus falls apart. After reconciliation with the knights, Tannhäuser took part in a singing competition in which he also wooed Elisabeth's hand. (Edition Symphonic Works)